Rollout 2024

After much work and research, we proudly presented our car to the public, the TFC01! The rollout took place during the afternoon of March 28th, at 5 p.m. This moment was the result of years of dedication and teamwork. Throughout this process, technical challenges were overcome, always striving to innovate at every stage of the development process. From aerodynamic design to the implementation of fuel cell technology, every detail of the TFC01 was meticulously planned and executed with one goal in mind: to create a vehicle that not only redefines mobility but also sustainability standards.

The TFC01 represents a significant leap towards a cleaner, greener future. Powered by hydrogen fuel cells, with water as its byproduct, it becomes an environmentally benign alternative to conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles. This technology will not only reduce harmful emissions but also help preserve the environment for future generations. We hope the rollout marks a step towards a more efficient and sustainable future.

Furthermore, the event witnessed the presence and insightful speeches from notable figures such as the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Sea, António Costa Silva, and the president of the university, Rogério Colaço. The venue was packed to capacity, showcasing the immense public interest and support for our endeavor. This enthusiastic turnout reflects the anticipation and excitement surrounding the TFC01’s release. With the car’s successful debut and the enthusiastic response from the audience, we are confident that our vision for a sustainable future is one step closer to realization.

Moreover, the unveiling of the TFC01 garnered significant media attention, with newspapers and online publications eager to cover this milestone moment in automotive history. As anticipation mounted and excitement grew, journalists and reporters were present to witness firsthand the groundbreaking features and innovative technology behind the TFC01. Their coverage will undoubtedly contribute to spreading awareness about our commitment to sustainability and the transformative potential of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

To delve deeper into the media coverage surrounding the TFC01’s unveiling, please find below the articles that were published:

Portugal: primeiro carro a hidrogénio desenvolvido por estudantes

                              Carro português movido a hidrogénio ligou o motor e acelerou – Computadores – SAPO Tek

Estudantes do Técnico apresentam veículo movido a hidrogénio



A special thanks to Adega Cooperativa de Palmela, Comissão Távora-Varosa and Pastéis de Belém, who contributed to making this event a success.

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