Who are we?

We are a team of engineering students from the Instituto Superior Técnico – IST, with the aim of developing vehicles and creating know-how in different engineering fields, with a focus on sustainability, innovation and efficiency. We are developing unique prototypes of sustainable and hydrogen-powered city cars in Portugal, maximising their efficiency, to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon – one of the world’s leading energy efficiency engineering programmes for students.



  • Eletric Power: 1 kW
  • Fuel Cell:  Proton Exchange Membrane – PEM
  • Maximum speed: 50km/h
  • Chassis: Stainless steel, Tubular
  • Body Material: Fiberglass
  • Weight: 130kg
Our Objectives

Building a car

Design, build and test a hydrogen-powered city car.

Shell Eco-marathon

Enter the world's largest competition focused on innovation and sustainability.

Fuel Cell

Find out more about what a fuel cell is, how it works and how we’re integrating it into our car.

Our location

Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa